Maui Youth Ranch, like so many non-profits, in its mission to help others depends on the generosity of heart, time and financial support. Our programs for adults and children who have suffered emotional trauma are only made possible with your help. Our ongoing animal rescue program is supported by animal lovers who understand our mission.
We want to extend our appreciation to Tri-Isle Resource Conservation and Development for helping us get up and running. Mahalo to all of Tri-Isle’s Board of Directors and its Executive Director, Stuart Funke.
The Board of Directors of Maui Youth Ranch have provided continued guidance and support. Without their continuing efforts we would not exist. Mahalo nui loa to each one of them.
With deep appreciation, we extend our “mahalos” to Keith Robertson of Ten Foot Design for his design services. Keith’s creativity has provided an inspiring identity for Maui Youth Ranch. His professionalism and enthusiasm for our mission have evolved into an enduring friendship. (Seen below bonding with rescue horse Prince.)

Paul Taylor, owner of Land/Sea Engineering Construction, Inc. single-handedly built our tack room. We are deeply indebted to him for his lasting contribution to Maui Youth Ranch. Mahalo nui loa Paul!
Mahalo Herb Andrews of Herb’s Landscaping for landscaping around our arena and creating a green oasis for all who come to the ranch.
Equestrian Facility kept their vision and dreams alive as they closed their doors when they practically gave us the arena sand and fencing to begin our journey. Mahalo for your kindness.
Last but certainly not least, a great big “mahalo” to Jesus Christ, the Author of Love, who connects us all and provides love, hope and encouragement in our mission to help others.
Maui Youth Ranch a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # 45-283 1823